EEDX3200S XRF Spectrometer

Model Number: EDX3200S

Recently the restriction on the amount of sulfur present in petrochemical products especially oils such as gasoline, diesel and lubricating oil has become a critical environmental concern. When too much sulfur is present in the fuels, it reacts with the air dissolved in fuel and reduces its stability; furthermore, in the burning process of fuels, sulfur decreases the transformation of the toxic discharges and results in the erosion of the engine's fuel system. Sulfur Dioxide is also generated in the burning process and it possesses a substantial threat to the natural environment. The ASTM D4294 Standard test is the testing process that utilizes an EDXRF Spectrometer. The EDX3200S was specifically designed for this test method.

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Measurable Elements: Sulfur (P - U)
Analysis Range: 5ppm - 99.99%
Detection Limit: 15ppm (5ppm when helium gas is filled)
Standard Deviation when > 100ppm: 15ppm
Standard Deviation when < 100ppm: 10ppm
Tests: Liquids Only
Ambient Temperature: -20°C - +50°C
Power Input: 110V AC or 220V AC


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