Paint Oven Profiling System

Model Number: OMK610

Everything you need for paint oven temperature profiling and paint cure calculations in one easy to use and convenient system. Having over 40 years experience in the manufacture of oven recorders for the coatings industry, Grant has designed the latest version of the OMK610 kit to boast many new features to assist in production quality control and reducing operating costs.

Direct report print out from the logger - no PC required in production
New enhanced thermal barrier giving maximum protection - now available with a heat absorbing insert
New fast response probes for both air and surface temperature
PaintView data storage, report generation and analysis included
Up to 6 temperature channels, storing up to 250,000 readings
The OMK610 kit comprises of an OQ610 data logger, PaintView software, thermal barrier, carry case and a quick start guide. A choice of temperature probes available additionally.

Benefits of using the OMK610 kit:

Meets paint manufacturers' specified cure parameters
Maintains a specified level of cure ensuring repeatable quality
Maximises oven usage and throughput
Optimises oven running (energy) costs
Archives data and results as part of any quality control system or supplier audit trail
Line operators can use it without the need for a PC

Qty :

INDUSTRY: Paint & Powder Coating Industry


Case Dimension: .

The Squirrel OQ610 can record up to eight readings per second from each sensor and store up to 250,000 readings in its memory
Small, robust thermal barrier can now accept a stainless steel heat sink, which greatly extends the system performance (TB612)
At the end of the recording run, data is downloaded directly to printer or to PC for analysis and reporting using PaintView software
Up to 6 K-Type temperature probes can be connected to the logger. These probes can be clipped on to non-magnetic components or via a magnet
Configure the OQ610 logger for all oven applications
Clear Multilanguage LCD screen indicates cure % at the end of the cycle (English, German, French, Spanish and Italian)
USB On The Go - the logger can print out a concise, graphical report of each run directly via USB, without the need for a PC
Create paint cure data libraries (by manufacturer and / or paint type)
Set optimised cure temperature curves with upper and lower limits
Create graphical and statistical data reports via the Report Wizard, incorporating company logos and JPEG photographs

Brochure of TTR Logger

Brochure of Probes for TTR Logger

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