IC Vicat/HDT
Tests according to ISO and ASTM
Creep tests are possible
Automatic start of integrated cooling (water supply required)
Motorized specimen immersion
Upgrade to IC+ for automatic load application
The ECO Vicat and the HDT Automat enable tests to be carried out without an operator,
e.g. overnight or at the weekend.
ECO Vicat (oil-free)
Tests without oil (contact heat transfer) acc. to ISO 306
Automatic test procedure
Cooling by pressurized air or water
No need to apply weights, automatic loading
Optional: robotic sample feed can test up to 120 specimens fully automatically
HDT Automat
Fully automated 24/7 measurement of the heat deflection temperature
6 measuring stations
Automatic weight appliance, sample measurement and sample feeding
Cooling from 300°C to room temperature in 12 minutes
Magazine for up to 90 samples